Faridul Anwar Farinordin
The 30 relatively shallow lakes were sam- pled during the snow-free season (June to August) in 2012. Most lakes were sampled three times, one sample per lake in June, July, and August; two of the shallow lakes were more ephemeral in comparison with the others and drained after the July...
During deployment, the crane arm is initially maintained in a vertical position with the geophone unit attached to the free end of the arm. When the frame contacts the sea floor, the crane arm pivots out from the frame and releases the geophone unit onto the sea floor approximately 1 meter...
In Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation in the Intermountain Region [Part 2]; Gen.Tech.Rep.RMRS-GTR-375; Halofsky, J.E., Peterson, D.L., Ho, J.J., Little, N.J., Joyce, L.A., Eds.; US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station: Fort Collins...
Exemple de la Garonne, de ses Sources à la Confluence du Tarn. Documents du BRGM 262 Editions BRGM. Ingénierie de l’environnement. Université Paris XI—Orsay, France. PhD Report. 1995. Available online:https://theses.hal.science/tel-01420437/file/2012_These_Daneville_Garonne.pdf(accessed ...
HAL, that really narrows it down. Google led me to a forum thread on Intrepid xorg.conf - input section. The official recommendation is to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup ... but of course it doesn't allow for options like ctrl/capslock. (It does let you specify which key ...
The system includes mathematical gimballing. The cable may include shear couplings designed to automatically shear apart if a certain level of cable tension is reached.Ray, Clifford HFisseler, Glenn DThompson, James NHaygood, Hal B