This definition is in accordance with the assumption ofconceptual semanticsof regular (default) and irregular (construction-specific) syntactico-semantic mappings (10) (Nikanne 2005). Aconceptual semanticsdescription of this phenomenon is presented in an example with a causative emotion verb in (32)...
While all biologists have an intuitive understanding of what is meant by ‘environment’, a rigorous definition of this class is non-trivial (see e.g. [23, 24]). For example, when taken simply as the “surrounding space” of an entity, the causal relevance of an environment to that enti...
Our investigation shows that a major portion of the OBO Ontology Extensions maps to OWL Lite and provides similar level of expressiveness. Overall, OBO features are a strict subset of OWL DL. In OBO, the definition of a term, or a typedef, is rigid and not as expressive as OWL Full. OW...
As biological and biomedical research increasingly reference the environmental context of the biological entities under study, the need for formalisation and standardisation of environment descriptors is growing. The Environment Ontology (ENVO; http://ww
In the realm of knee pathology, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has the advantage of visualising all structures within the knee joint, which makes it a valuable tool for increasing diagnostic accuracy and planning surgical treatments. Therefore, clinica
Whenever an equivalent class was present in TRANS we imported it, but used the label and definition from the DoE as editor preferred label and definition, which resulted in reusing 14 TRANS classes, for a total of 21 transmission of infection types modeled in EPO. These classes are organized ...
In the realm of knee pathology, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has the advantage of visualising all structures within the knee joint, which makes it a valuable tool for increasing diagnostic accuracy and planning surgical treatments. Therefore, clinica
An ontology regionORconsists of an ontology concept (region rootrc) and itsis-asubgraph, i.e., it covers all leaf and inner concept changes within this region. The definition of our regions covers the experience that changes often occur in the boundary of an ontology, e.g., addition of ...
JK participated in telecons and contributed to the definition of terms. PK participated in TMO use case development and transformed narrative descriptions into medical coding; created XML structure for family history, immunizations, lifestyle, and encounters with medical coding designations; contributed ...