5. 使用Snipping Tool (使用截图工具) Windows系统还内置了一个截图工具,叫做Snipping Tool。你可以在开始菜单中搜索“Snipping Tool”并打开它。该工具允许你选择截图的类型和区域,并提供了一些简单的编辑功能。 二、macOS系统截图快捷键 (Screenshot Shortcut Keys on macOS) 在macOS系统中,截图同样非常方便,以下是...
1. 快捷键截图 (Using Shortcut Keys) 在《英雄联盟》中,玩家可以通过快捷键进行截图。默认的截图快捷键是“F12”。按下这个键后,游戏会自动保存当前画面为图片文件。 2. 截图保存位置 (Screenshot Save Location) 截图文件会被保存到游戏的安装目录下,通常路径为“C:\\Riot Games\\League of Legends\\Screensh...
截图后,图像会被复制到剪贴板,你可以粘贴到任何地方。 二、使用截图工具 (Using Snipping Tool) Windows系统自带的“截图工具”提供了更为灵活的截图方式。通过这个工具,你可以选择不同的截图模式。 1. 启动截图工具 (Launching the Snipping Tool) 在Windows搜索框中输入“截图工具”,然后点击打开。你会看到一个简...
Press the Ctrl + Alt + Del keys at the same time to open the Task Manager, then click the "File" menu and select "Run new task". In the Create new task dialog, type "snipping tool" and press Enter. 6. Via a desktop shortcut You can create a shortcut to the Snipping Tool on ...
How to Crop or Enlarge the Snip When your capture is already open in the Snipping Tool, clickEditon the menu bar. Select the optionEdit with Paint 3D. Now, you can use features color, text, sizing, and more other enhancements. Keyboard Shortcuts...
Next, press and holdCommand + Shift + 4 + Space barkeys together. Once you press these shortcut keys, your Mac’s cursor will change to a camera icon. Now just move the camera icon and select the window you want to screenshot. ...
取得快照集以複製電腦畫面全部或部分的文字或影像。 使用剪取工具進行變更或做筆記,然後儲存並分享。 擷取任何下列類型的剪取內容: 手繪多邊形 在物件周圍繪製手繪多邊形圖案。 矩形 在物件周圍拖曳游標以形成一個矩形。 視窗 選取您想要擷取的視窗 (例如對話方塊)。
This post covers different ways to capture screenshots on a Mac, including using shortcut keys, built-in utilities, or a professionalsnipping tool for Mac. Just follow this article and pick up the way you prefer to use it. Note:If there are shadows around screenshots, you can get rid of...
On Windows 11, use the“Print”key (or“Windows key + Shift + S”shortcut) to bring up the Snipping Tool toolbar and take a screenshot. You can also open the Snipping Tool, choose the type of screenshot, and click the“New”button to take a screenshot. ...
A truly free screenshot tool for PCs; Comes with a dedicated shortcut to initiate screenshots; You can master using the app on the first day since it’s user-friendly; Doesn’t utilize much system resources; Area auto-detection for multilayered and complex screenshotting tasks; ...