SCP-2273, also known as Major Alexei Belitrov is a recurring character in the SCP Foundation series. He is a Euclid-class humanoid under the custody of the SCP Foundation who originates from an alternate universe where the Cold War resulted in the "War t
After 1991, rapid restructuring, coupled with budget cuts and the decommissioning or sale of significant assets, resulted in numerous defections of their personnel (A significant proportion of both Chaos Insurgency and MC&D operatives in Eastern Europe originated from GRU Division "P" ranks) and the...
After 1991, rapid restructuring, coupled with budget cuts and the decommissioning or sale of significant assets, resulted in numerous defections of their personnel (A significant proportion of both Chaos Insurgency and MC&D operatives in Eastern Europe originated from GRU Division "P" ranks) and the...
Security clearances and ranks also vary from simple Research Assistants to Site-Directors and everything in between. The expertise of researchers can vary from different scientific fields like technology to zoology or different anomalous field. An example for the ladder is that Dr. Judith Low is ...
2. An annually assembled joint task force, JTF Theta-Mendes-7140 (“Seventh Spear”), composed of at least one-thousand (1,000) available troops sourced from combat-capable Mobile Task Forces (MTFs) and at least two-thousand (2,000) troops sourced from the PHYSICS division of the GOC is...
The item was making its rounds through the ranks of the Serpent's Hand and wreaking havoc when SCP-616 opened. Not when it was supposed to either, the thing opened two hours before a scheduled flight while it was still on the runway, and I'll be damned if I know why. The containment...
ISD is a concealed "foundation within the Foundation", a secret police force responsible for filtering traitors as well as operational and information security risks among the Foundation's ranks. The department is strictly hierarchical, adhering to stringently defined multi-stage investigative protocol. ...
including SCP-6073. The remainder escaped. Documents recovered from the factory mentioned a group known as the "Miracle Liberation Front," their purpose in Detroit to not only smuggle anomalies out of the city but to train and absorb them into their ranks. A cover story of a large-scale gan...
Active Duty was about Foundation Personnel stationed at Site 23, which was located in the Australian outback. Its player base is one of the largest any SCP RP has ever had, with most current and former SCP RP community members being descended from the ranks and membership of Fieldwork. It ...