For those using Accurx on a web browser By Kei and 13 others56 articles Accurx Switch For those using the Accurx Switch App in Trusts By Hannah and 2 others3 articles Privacy, Information Governance & Security Everything you need to know about IG and data security at Accurx ...
Accurx Switch For those using the Accurx Switch App in Trusts By Hannah and 2 others3 articles Privacy, Information Governance & Security Everything you need to know about IG and data security at Accurx By John and 3 others13 articles Service Management and Extra Support This section contains...
English; English Help for Patients Helpful articles for RxSpark cardholders and patients By Brandon43 articles Help for Partners Helpful articles for partners on the RxSpark platform By Brandon18 articles
Business Rx: They Can Help You Build an App. Can You Help Them Build a Business? (Posted 2015-09-30 11:04:19)Beyers, Dan
You can invite anyone to join you in Webex App. They’ll get an email invitation that contains a link to download the app. If they can’t find the invitation, ask them to check their spam folder first. If it’s not there, ask them to go to https:/ / web.
学分银行APP的设计和开发 来自百度文库 作者陈萍萍,罗忆,徐镇江摘要 随着移动互联网迅猛发展, 智能手持设备已经普及, 学习者越来越青睐于选择更加便捷的终身学习方式.对于广大开放教育学习者来说, 能够实现不同类型学习成果的互认和衔接具有重要意义.本研究通过对学分银行用户群体...
摘要 《基于安卓的南邮通达掌上校园APP的需求分析》其中分析了设计这款APP的功能和非功能需求,将功能需求分成了课表查询等七个模块,非功能需求四个模块.因此本文主要讨论如何实现上文中的各种具体功能. 关键词南邮通达 / 掌上校园 / APP / 安卓...
摘要 现在大多数用户都是使用个人电脑的浏览器来完成物流信息的查询,由于个人计算机不方便随身携带以及互联网接入地点的限制,用户无法随时随地查询物流的进展信息。设计一款基于Android手机平台的快递查询系统,提供十几种常用的快递公司的快递查询... 关键词AN...