务安国际机场 Muan International Airport ??? IATA:MWX-ICAO:RKJB 机场概览 机场类型 民用 营运者 韩国机场公社 服务城市 光州广域市、全罗南道 地理位置 韩国全罗南道务安郡 启用日期 2007年11月9日 海拔高度 16米(52英尺) 经纬度 34°59′29″N 126°22′58″E坐标:34°59′29″N 126°...
at MWX/RKJB airport: {{airportView.aircraftCount.ground}} ARRIVAL TIMEAIRCRAFTTYPEAIRLINEFLIGHT Loading... Sorry, we don't have any information about on ground aircraft for this airport Load more aircraft * All times are in {{(airportView.schedule.ground.data && timeZone.toUpperCase() == ...
DIRECTION LOCAL TIME: N/A ARRIVAL DELAY INDEX N/A DEPARTURE DELAY INDEX GeneralArrivalsDeparturesOn GroundReviewsRoutesWeatherStatistics Statistics Number of scheduled departures for MWX/RKJB airport per day (UTC time), last 30 days. Created with Highcharts 10.0.0Number of flightsScheduled flightsTrac...
延误哈哈😄想咋滴 2马来西亚·Penang Int' Airport 马来西亚·Penang Int' Airport Penang û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 c +关注 Bingocola 9月17日 16:57 来自🐡Bingo iPhone 15 Pro 2马来西亚·槟城 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 ...
worst airport in Korea. perhaps worst in Asia. I don't wanna recommend about this airport. really really really bad. please do not choosing this 'MWX' airport. very far from the city center and taxi is damn expensive. and there is no public transport. Getting to the airport Terminal fa...