[7] Takahashi K,Migita O,Sasaki A,et al. Amplicon sequencing-based noninvasive fetal genotyping for RHD-positive D antigen- negative alleles[J].Clin Chem,2019,65(10):1307-1316.DOI:10.1373/clinchem.2019.307074. [8] 周一炎, ...
Amplicon sequencing-based noninvasive fetal genotyping for RHD-positive D antigen- negative alleles[J]. Clin Chem, 2019,65(10):1307-1316. doi: 10.1373/clinchem.2019.307074 . 返回引文位置Google Scholar 百度学术 万方数据 [8] 周一炎,秦建江. PCR-SSP RHD基因定型方法的初步应用[J]. 中国现代...
The antigens of the Rh system are encoded by RHD and RHCE, a pair of paralogous genes on chromosome 1. These genes each have 10 exons and share 94% sequence identity. They are very unusual for closely linked paralogous genes as they are in opposite orientation (5′RHD3′-3′RHCE5′...
Methods ABO blood group and RhD antigen were detected by the standard serological methods,RhD antigen negative confirmation and antibody screening were tested by indirect antiglobulin test. Asia Del(RHD*01EL.01 )was detected by PCR-SSP. Results Among 596 pregnant women,70 were confirmed to be...
BACKGROUND: Noninvasive genotyping of fetal RHD (Rh blood group, D antigen) can prevent the unnecessary administration of prophylactic anti-D to women carrying RHD-negative fetuses. We evaluated laboratory methods for such genotyping.Sillence, Kelly A....
intihedetusdeterminedbynon-invasiveprenataltesttoanalysecell-freefetalDNAinmaternal blood in包ClinicalGuideline(QCG)documents,thetermsWomanand womenincludes0whodonotidentifyaswomenbutwhoarepregnantorhavegivenbirth Pathogenesiscfalloimmunisation2; oDantigenisexpressedonfetalredcellsby38daysofgestationinRhDpositivefet...
2 使用抗-D免疫球蛋白的临床指征 孕妇怀有RhD+胎儿 是否产生抗-D抗体,是否发生HDFN, 首先取决于胎儿红 细胞进入母体循环的时间,数量,概率,以及母体对胎儿 红细胞的免疫反应性, 因此检测胎-母出血量是诊断,预防 RhD HDFN的基础.妊娠过程中,胎儿红细胞通过胎盘进 入母亲体内称为胎母出血(fetal-to-maternal ...
[8] SONNEVELD M E,KOELEWIJN J,DE HAAS M,et al.Antigen specificity determines anti-red blood cell IgG-Fc alloantibody glycosylation and thereby severity of haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn[J].Br J Haematol,2017,1...
在已知的43个人类红细胞血型系统中,Rh血型系统最为复杂,且可以导致新生儿溶血病(hemolytic disease of fetal and newborn,HDFN)和溶血性输血反应,临床意义仅次于ABO血型系统。其中RhD抗原免疫原性最强,相应的抗D是导致严重HDFN的主要抗体[1]。临床上对于...