This data article provides details for the RDD2020 dataset comprising 26336 road images from India, Japan, and the Czech Republic with more than 31000 instances of road damage. The dataset captures four types of road damage: longitudinal cracks, transverse cracks, alligator cracks, and potholes; ...
1.基本概念 * RDD:是弹性分布式数据集(Resilient Distributed Dataset)的简称,是分布式内存的一个抽象概念,提供了一种高度受限的共享内存模型; * DAG:是Directed Acyclic Graph(有向无环图)的简称,反映RDD之间的依赖关系; * Executor:是运行在工作节点(Worker Node)上的一个进程,负责运行任务,并为...
RDCCDataset Setup for YOLOv5 NOTE: Entire process (step 1-4 explained in this section) of downloading and preparing GRDDC 2020 dataset can be done by executingyolov5/scripts/ bash yolov5/scripts/ ...
2>.双Value类型交互 union(otherDataset)案例 subtract(otherDataset)案例 intersection(otherDataset)案例 cartesian(otherDataset)案例 zip(otherDataset)案例 3>.Key-Value类型 partitionBy案例 groupByKey案例 reduceByKey(func, [numTasks])案例 aggregateByKey案例 foldByKey案例 combineByKey[C]案例 sortByKey([a...
Actions : computes a result based on an RDD, and either return it to the driver program or save it to an external storage system such as HDFS etc. Let's take an example of creating RDD by loading an external dataset: Now we've reated RDD and the RDD offers two types of operations:...
This data article provides details for the RDD2020 dataset comprising 26,336 road images from India, Japan, and the Czech Republic with more than 31,000 instances of road damage. The dataset captures four types of road damage: longitudinal cracks, transverse cracks, alligator cracks, and potholes...