The invention relates to an optical device comprising an optical component (1) arranged on a base (5) provided with bearing elements (20), the component comprising a waveguide (12) and a facet of the output (15) situated in a plane perpendicular to the plane of the assembly of the compon...
Walk through a step-by-step process to free yourself from the hurt of your past and feel less offended today. Discover what the Bible really says about forgiveness and the peace that comes from living...
MUWN®️1201|阴阳流动·男生女生对着练 「MUWN®1201 YOGA」10周年庆 「MUWN®1201 YOGA」男士瑜伽1周年庆 双喜临门呀!小林老师@LINYU 和高雅老师联手带来了阴阳流动的课程,在12月的北京练到大汗淋漓真的好舒爽 两位老师的课程设计真的很用心哦,小林老师的激情流动,高雅老师的正位舒缓,这节课真的太宝...
第2章 此情可待成追忆 书名:1201的荒唐城堡 作者名:瓜子配咖啡 本章字数:1403字 更新时间:2021-01-17 18:56:29首页 书籍详情 目录 字号 背景 手机阅读举报 登录订阅本章 >