集成在C语言库函数里面的的qsort函数,使用三路划分的方法解决这个问题。所谓三路划分,是指把数组划分成小于划分值,等于划分值和大于划分值的三个部分。 下面我们开始分析源代码,在源代码中的解释以注释的形式出现: /*** *qsort.c - quicksort algorithm; qsort() library function for sorting arrays * * Copyr...
Library routines suitable for use as the compar argument include alphasort(3) and versionsort(3). To compare C strings, the comparison function can call strcmpEXAMPLE For one example of use, see the example under bsearch(3). Another example is the following program, which sorts the strings giv...
❮ C stdlib Library ExampleSort an array:// Comparing function: // Returns a positive number if a is greater than b // Returns a negative number if a is less than b // Returns 0 if a is equal to b int compare(const void *a, const void *b) { int *valA = a; int *valB ...
Sorry, I should have included usage instructions. It's like this: gcc glibc-qualys-rocky-qsort-test.c -o glibc-qualys-rocky-qsort-test -O2 while true; do n=$((RANDOM*64+RANDOM+1)); echo $n; ./glibc-qualys-rocky-qsort-test $n; done In other words, almost same as Qualys', but...
qsort函数描述:http://www.cnblogs.com/sooner/archive/2012/04/18/2455011.htmlqsort()函数实现:/***qsort.c - quicksort algorithm; qsort() library function for so