Wiegele. QPLIB: A library of quadratic programming instances. Technical report, Febru- ary 2017. Available at Optimization Online. URL http://www.optimization-online.org/DB_HTML/2017/02/5846.html.Furini, F., Traversi, E., Belotti, P., Frangioni, A., Gleixner, A., Gould, N., Libert...
Bonding for the Future: A Recent Bond Circular from QP Provides a Detailed Insight into the Recent Performance of the State-Owned Company
OSQP-eigen:robotology/osqp-eigen: Simple Eigen-C++ wrapper for OSQP library (github.com) casadi:casadi/casadi: CasADi is a symbolic framework for numeric optimization implementing automatic differentiation in forward and reverse modes on sparse matrix-valued computational graphs. It supports self-contain...
doi:10.1111/jace.14143Zhang, KuibaoWen, GuanjunYin, DanZhang, HaibinJantzen, C.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Journal of the American Ceramic Society
1Branch 33Tags Code README What's New? View QP/C++ Revision History at:https://www.state-machine.com/qpcpp/history.html NOTE:If you're interested in the latest QP/C++ version from GitHub, it is recommended that you clone this repo like that: ...
arduino framework fsm kernel state-machine modeling statechart sam arduino-library free event-driven code-generation arduino-uno rtos modeling-tool uml-state-machine qp samek adruino-due qpcpp Updated Jul 30, 2024 C++ tkkim-robot / safe_control Star 22 Code Issues Pull requests Safety-critical...
The Media Library report lists the MLB devices that are defined toBRMS. This report is produced as a result of running the WRKMLBBRM OUTPUT(*PRINT) command. The following should be noted about this report: TheLibraryfield indicates the name of the MLB. ...
#target_compile_features(${LIBRARY_TARGET_NAME} PUBLIC cxx_std_14) #注释这一行 使用osqp-eigen库时出现这样的问题: In file included from /usr/local/include/OsqpEigen/OsqpEigen.h:10:0, from /catkin_ws/src/MinimumSnap-Trajectory-Generation/waypoint_trajectory_generator/src/trajectory_generator_osqp...
CPF9872 EProgram or service program &1 in library &2 ended. Reason code &3. Usage Notes This function will fail with error code [ENOTSAFE] when all the following conditions are true: Where multiple threads exist in the job. The object on which this function is operating resides in a fi...