* If you are using a 64bit version of Windows note that PyScripter will only work if a 32bit version of Python is installed. 你再检查下你已安装的python是32bit的吗,等等其他问题可以到wiki和issue中查询的: http://code.google.com/p/pyscripter/w/list joy2everyone pyscripter 跨越平台? pyscripte...
In Windows 64 bit, 32 bit applications are installed in c:\program files (x86). So it is normal that PyScripter 32bit is installed in that folder. What might be causing the trouble is the PYTHONHOME (not PATHHOME) environment variable. If you look at the image with the output of the...
(x64) works only on 64-bit Windows **and** with 64-bit versions of Python. The 32-bit version (x86) of PyScripter works on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows with 32-bit versions of Python. The zip files contain portable versions of PyScripter. No installation is needed. Just unzip ...
Also your ArcGIS python is 32 bits. You will need a 32-bit version of PyScripter that supports python 2.x. PyScripter 3.6 32-bits is the latest version. You can either uninstall your current version of PyScripter and install PyScripter 3.6 32-bits from here or download the registry-free in...