Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) Deficiencydoi:10.1007/978-3-540-29678-2_4895Not a common disorder anymore, except in the elderly populations, where it may be associated with impaired cognitive function, Alzheimer's Disease, cardiovascular disease, and some types of cancer. Alz...Springer Berlin Heidelberg...
Pyridoxineis a form of vitamin B6used for the prophylaxis or treatment of vitamin B6deficiency resulting from conditions such as severe diarrhea, malabsorption, congenital metabolic dysfunction, hyperthyroidism, renal and hepatic disease, congestive heart failure, alcoholism, drug-induced conditions, and d...
Vitamin B6 deficiency symptoms: poor glucose tolerance, anemia and associated symptoms such as physical and mental fatigue, malaise (a general feeling of unwell), palpitations, extrasystoles (also known as skipped heart beats), nerve damage causing tingling in extremities, numbness or pin and needle...
62–64 Pyridoxine deficiency has also been associated with low-income pregnant adolescents. Although low vitamin B6 in pregnancy has been associated with low Apgar scores, the true benefit of supplementation is unclear.65 In adults, vitamin B6 deficiency has been associated with increased risk of ...
Pyridoxine is indicated in the treatment and prevention of known or suspected vitamin B6deficiency, which is most likely to occur in the setting of alcoholism in developed countries. At least seven genetic disorders that result in a vitamin B6deficiency syndrome in the presence of an adequate diet...
Related to pyridoxine:Pyridoxine hydrochloride,pyridoxine deficiency,Pyridoxine HCL pyr·i·dox·ine (pĭr′ĭ-dŏk′sēn, -sĭn)alsopyr·i·dox·in(-dŏk′sĭn) n. A pyridine derivative, C8H11NO3, that is one of several forms of vitamin B6and is the form typically found in vitam...
Pyridoxine 5'-phosphate, vitamin B-6, is an essential cofactor in various transamination, decarboxylation, glycogen hydrolysis, and synthesis pathways involving carbohydrate, sphingolipid, amino acid, heme, and neurotransmitter metabolism. Pyridoxine deficiency causes blood, skin, and nerve changes. This ...
英音[piri'dɔksi(:)n] ; 美音[piri'dɔksi(:)n] ; 名词 维他命B6 英语解释 a B vitamin that is essential for metabolism of amino acids and starch 相似短语 pyridoxine deficiency吡哆醇缺乏 pyridoxine hydrochloride【化】 盐酸吡哆辛 【医】 盐酸吡哆醇 ...
Pyridoxine is a vitamin used for preventing and treating low levels of pyridoxine (pyridoxine deficiency) and the tired blood (anemia) that may result. It is also used for heart disease; high cholesterol; reducing blood levels of homocysteine, a chemical
A study by Talwar et al indicated that red cell PLP measurements may be more reliable than serum PLP concentrations for distinguishing true from apparent vitamin B6 deficiency in patients with low albumin levels or altered alkaline phosphatase activity. The researchers found that systemic inflammation ...