(比如二楼外科,四楼神经,我在四楼放上新房间的NPC会不会舍近求远上下楼检查)3.各科室的门诊和病房是放在一层好,还是门诊放一层病房放高层好?4.有木有病症大全一类的攻略WIKI,新人手动操作实在不知道该如何选非常感谢! 送TA礼物 1楼2020-12-26 11:08回复 ...
在翻译“医疗”词条时发现已经有人创建,且来源均为英文wiki health care页面,但其内容不带任何超链与格式,包含大量机翻,是否有必要将"医院"重定向至"医疗",同时英文wiki中也是将hospital 重定向至health care Kiritani Dore(留言) 2022年12月20日 (二) 09:31 (CST) 您好!讨论版留言,请务必用 ~~~ 标记...
2018 game: Become an ace doctor, an aspiring architect and a successful manager at the same time. Design your very own hospital, tweak every detail or use one of the predefined models and just jump to the doctor’s duty. PC Gaming Wiki. ...
He visits Shino, who is in a coma, at the hospital everyday. He decided to play The World R:2 after talking to a friend who used to play its previous version, The World. He was once the player behind Sora, but lost all memory of it and The World after being Data Drained by S...
This will be a top priority along with vehicle fixes, and the doctor zombie convention that seemed to have been taking place at the hospital. ZOMBIE SYNC We thought we’d respond to the main reoccurring piece of negative feedback we read after Duck’s video, which was otherwise overwhelmingly...
doi:10.1080/15323269.2016.1221284JamesRichard.Journal of Hospital LibrarianshipJames R. WikiProject Medicine: Creating Credibility in Consumer Health. J Hosp Librariansh 2016;16:344-51.
先输入一些普通的文本,然后看看能不能做一些其他的事情。你的贡献是为人民群众所喜闻乐见的,同时也是不可或缺的。在你完成某个词条之后,其他用户可能会帮助你完成文本的格式化设置。这个站点正如灰机上其他社区一样,依靠你,还有大家的协作而得以繁荣。 祝你好运! 注意事项: 不要在公用沙盒存放为百科撰写的...
Sorry... For making you do the dirty work...Mikoto Suoh, speaking to Reisi Munakata.[1] Mikoto Suoh (周防 尊, Suoh Mikoto) is the Third and Red King, and leader of the Red Clan, HOMRA. Despite his slacker attitude at times, something considered unfit for
Hagiwara Mai (萩原舞) is a Japanese apparel designer and former idol under Hello! Project as a member of ℃-ute. She joined Hello! Project Kids in 2002 through the audition and was later put into ℃-ute in 2005. Hagiwara has also taken part in the one-sh
Saruhiko Fushimi (伏見猿比古, Fushimi Saruhiko) is a clansman of Scepter 4, a former member of HOMRA and Jungle and a childhood friend of Misaki Yata who has known him ever since their middle school days together. Saruhiko is a slim, lanky, young man wit