Victory Road,途中有不少道具捡,迷宫也很绕。 外面这个NPC会帮忙回复队伍的宝可梦。 联盟。准备好回复道具,毕竟这次四天王有一点难打。 四天王科拿,lv52白海狮,lv53刺甲贝,lv53 Warwolf,lv53迷唇姐,lv54拉普拉斯。 四天王阿桔,lv52 Tuhead(圆丝蛛废案进化),lv53叉字蝠,lv54双弹瓦斯,lv56臭臭泥,lv55摩鲁蛾。
Pokemon Gold&Silver 97 Reforged(宝可梦金银97重铸版)二周目图文攻略 ▲二周目主要流程 ▲传说宝可梦的地点及触发条件 ▲部分实用道具的入手方式、招式学习器入手方式、宝可梦分布及进化方式、个人翻译废案宝可梦名称及翻译依据 ▲二周目主要流程 二周目开始,玩家会收到大木博士的电话,前往他的研究所,拿到【船票】。 去...
有双版本,不过洛奇亚和凤王都可以获得。在目前最新最正常的6.0b版本,传说宝可梦可以全部获得。 开始进行取名设置日期等一系列操作后获得【宝可装置】。 出来屋子会遇到劲敌,而且要给母亲取名字(难绷,我取了“Mom”之后,劲敌笑道怎么会取这么幼稚的名字,可能是怎么取名都是这段对话) 去村子右下角的研究所,大木博...
Pokemon Silver 97: ReforgedGo on a grand adventure in Pokemon Silver 97: Reforged. Catch Pokemons and taking down Team Rocket nationwide in this alternate sequel to the original Red and Blue! Reforged comes in two versions, Gold and Silver, featuring differing sprites and encounter tables just ...
详情可以于重铸官网(查看。 从现在起,本人将争取收集8.1.0版本仍然存在的游戏漏洞,并争取在闲暇时间反馈至官方的bug反馈区内。若你反馈的问题/bug已经被提交或者解决的话,我会尽可能予以说明。 若读者有兴趣帮忙完善宝可梦重铸的建设,也可以前往其官网的bug反馈区(
限定符和类型方法和说明 EnumPixelmongetEnumPixelmon() 获取当前 Pixelmon 目标类型 仅会检测: PixelmonReforged(重铸), PixelmonGenerations(世代), None(无) staticPokemonAPIgetInstance() 已过时。 LanggetLang() 获得Pixelmon 语言类 SpriteHelpergetSpriteHelper() ...
A warcraft 3 reforged map with pokemon. its an auto-brawler autochess game where you catch and fight with your pokemon
Pixelmon Kalos is an adventure map recreation of the Pokemon X & Y games from the 3DS. The map requires the Pixelmon Reforged mod and the TrainerCommands sidemod.If you prefer, this map also has a Technic pack you can find by going to this link, or by searching for "Pixelmon Kalos -...
Pokemon Hacks To choose only completed games/hacks, you can accessCompleted Hacks page. There are some hacks which are not released (still work in progress) so you can only read their informations, view media and wait. We are working hard to keep updating new Hacks. If you have good hacks...