Define pinguecula. pinguecula synonyms, pinguecula pronunciation, pinguecula translation, English dictionary definition of pinguecula. Noun 1. pinguecula - a slightly elevated elastic tissue deposit in the conjunctiva that may extend to the cornea but do
A pinguecula looks like a yellow or light brown spot on the white part of the eye. If the pinguecula grows large enough, the tear film may not be able to spread around it, across the surface of the eye. This can cause dry eye symptoms, such asa burning sensation, stinging and itching...
网络结膜黄斑;睑裂斑;睑裂黄斑 网络释义
Pinguecula and Pterygium - Eye Disorders - Merck Manuals Professional EditionROAT.MELVIN
A yellow-white deposit on the conjunctiva of the eye, adjacent to the limbus, caused by exposure to ultraviolet. [..] + 添加翻译 英文-希伯来文字典 פינגואקולה Human disease wikidata 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ pinguecula "自动翻译成 希伯来文 פינ...
A, A specimen of primary medial pterygium of the left eye shows nuclear immunostaining of altered limbal epithelial basal cells (pterygium cells) in the migrating limbus (to the left of the arrowhead pointing to Bowman's layer). Pterygium cells are also migrating onto the corneal basement ...
Pingueculae are visible with the naked eye and can appear either on the temporal or nasal side (or both) of the cornea, but are more commonly found nasally. A routine eye examination is usually sufficient to diagnose this condition, but a slit-lamp microscope examination can also be ...
Curr Eye Res. 1997;16:1179- 1192.Dushku N, Reid TW. p53 expression in altered limbal basal cells of pingueculae, pterygia, and limbal tumors. Curr Eye Res 1997;16:1179-92.Dushku N, Reid TW. P53 expression in altered limbal basal cells of pingueculae, pterygia, and limbal tumors. Curr...
Biomicroscopical examination of possible cumulative changes in the outer part of the eye in 217 male welders with variable welding exposure time showed conjunctival spheroid degeneration in 24% of the welders. The prevalence of changes was significantly increased in welders with the higher exposure time...
Pinguecula is one of the most common age-related eye diseases and is characterized by the appearance of yellowish to brown nodules on the bulbar conjunctiva near the sclerocorneal junction. The development of pinguecula is associated with aging.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 We previously examined the inc...