Last time we checked, in Washington State there were nine Pilot Flying J locations: along the Interstate 5 corridor in Ferndale, Arlington, Tacoma, and Tumwater plus locations across the state in Ellensburg, Pasco, and Spokane. So wherever you are headed around or out of the state, PFJ has...
【巴菲特与收购对象撕破脸皮】$伯克希尔-哈撒韦B(BRK.B)$从创始人家族手里买下了Pilot Flying J最后20%的股份。Pilot现在是伯克希尔全资子公司,也是前十大仓位。 比较意外的是,这次交易是在双方撕破脸皮的背景下完成的。 伯克希尔与Haslam家族预先设定的条款是,家族在2024年开始,每年有一次机会要求伯克希尔以10倍去年...
通用汽车公司正在与Pilot Flying J公司合作,为电动汽车建立一个全国性的快速充电网络。通用汽车和Pilot之间的合作将通过填补充电基础设施的空白,帮助加速电动汽车的销售。根据《消费者报告》7月份的调查,获得充电站仍然是美国司机对购买或租赁电动车的首要关注。 计划要求在大约500个Pilot和Flying J旅行中心建立2000个充电...
而结果证明,无论从店内销售和品牌认知度上来说,这次冠名赞助的结果都令人满意。于是,在这场赞助之后,约翰逊团队及其营销代理Bespoke、公关代理Zeno Group又做出了下一步的体育营销计划。考虑到PFJ在东南联盟(SEC)覆盖区域内大约拥有275家店面,以及联盟球迷开始观看客场比赛等因素,营销团队最终将营销对象定为东南联...
//@坚信价值:【伯克希尔十大仓位更新:Pilot Flying J】 2023年的变化,是有一个新的非上市仓位进入了$伯克希尔-哈撒韦B(BRK.B)$的十大。 这就是Pilot Flying J,一家北美的加油站服务中心公司。 伯克希尔在年初以82亿美元的对价,按照对赌协议从创始人家族额外收购了41.4%的股份,将持股从2017年... ...
4,259筆Pilot Flying J員工的公司點評:工資薪水,獎金福利,上班族甘苦談,企業文化,尾牙,年終獎,年假,晉升階梯和工作穩定性
The recent vote by workers at Pilot Flying J's truckstop in Bloomsbury, N.J., to unionize - the only one of the company's 650-plus sites to do so - came as a result of what workers perceived as low pay, bad working conditions and management not taking employees' complaints seriously...
Find Pilot Flying J truck stops and travel centers nearby. Search by location or amenity to help professional truck drivers find diesel fuel, parking, and more.
Download Pilot Flying J's VR app today and explore in Virtual Reality. See what makes Pilot Flying J special. The experience is so immersive, it's second only to being there in real life. Using the app you can: • Explore in 360° VR with a fully immersive cinematic experience ...
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