通用汽车公司正在与Pilot Flying J公司合作,为电动汽车建立一个全国性的快速充电网络。通用汽车和Pilot之间的合作将通过填补充电基础设施的空白,帮助加速电动汽车的销售。根据《消费者报告》7月份的调查,获得充电站仍然是美国司机对购买或租赁电动车的首要关注。 计划要求在大约500个Pilot和Flying J旅行中心建立2000个充电...
F. Dehais, J. Behrend, V. Peysakhovich, M. Causse, and C. D. Wickens, "Pilot flying and pilot monitoring's aircraft state awareness during go- around execution in aviation: A behavioral and eye tracking study," The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, vol. 27, no. 1-2, pp...
4,259筆Pilot Flying J員工的公司點評:工資薪水,獎金福利,上班族甘苦談,企業文化,尾牙,年終獎,年假,晉升階梯和工作穩定性
体育赞助从无到有 在约翰逊的斡旋下,PFJ签下了公司史上最大的体育赞助合同,成为《东南王国》的主赞助商。在男性为主导的旅游服务行业中,约翰逊能获得这样的成绩实属不易。在公司的第一个体育营销大单中,约翰逊做到了一鸣惊人。2016年,在田纳西大学对阵弗吉尼亚理工大学的橄榄球赛“布里斯托尔之战”上,PFJ以冠名...
with more than 790 restaurants and offers truck maintenance and tire service with Southern Tire Mart at Pilot Flying J. The One9 Fuel Network connects a variety of fueling locations to provide smaller fleets and independent professional drivers with everyday value, convenience, credit and perks. ...
with more than 790 restaurants and offers truck maintenance and tire service with Southern Tire Mart at Pilot Flying J. The One9 Fuel Network connects a variety of fueling locations to provide smaller fleets and independent professional drivers with everyday value, convenience, credit and perks. ...
Pilot Flying J app.Designed to save you time and money while on the road, you can log-in to check out exclusive offers, earn points, and save 3 cents per gallon on gas every time you fuel. Use the trip planner to plan your route, find Pilot and Flying J locations, and view what ...
Download Pilot Flying J's VR app today and explore in Virtual Reality. See what makes Pilot Flying J special. The experience is so immersive, it's second only to being there in real life. Using the app you can: • Explore in 360° VR with a fully immersive cinematic experience ...
Find Pilot Flying J truck stops and travel centers nearby. Search by location or amenity to help professional truck drivers find diesel fuel, parking, and more.
Pilot Flying J Sued over Credit Card Charges at Pumps ; Trade Group Says Banks, Not Retailers, to BlamePilot Flying J is being accused in two proposed class-actionlawsuits of failing to warn...Sentinel, News