环节动物门(Phylum Annelida)环节动物门(PhylumAnnelida)By---创实16赵庆源 环节动物门,动物界的一个门,为两侧对称、具分节的裂体腔的动物。已描述的约13000种,常见种有蚯蚓、蚂蟥、沙蚕等。体长从几毫米到3米。栖息于海洋、淡水或潮湿的土壤,是软底质生境中最占优势的潜居动物。环节动物在动物演化中占重要...
Any of various worms or wormlike animals of the phylum Annelida, characterized by an elongated, cylindrical, segmented body and including the earthworms and the leeches. [From New Latin Annelida, phylum name, from French annelés, pl. past participle of anneler, to ring, from Old French anel...
phylum Annelida- segmented worms: earthworms; lugworms; leeches Annelida animal kingdom,Animalia,kingdom Animalia- taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct animals annelid,annelid worm,segmented worm- worms with cylindrical bodies segmented both internally and externally ...
Better known members of the phylum are the earthworms, which also have related species in freshwater. The leeches form a distinct group found as predators or parasites in freshwater or moist soil.doi:10.1007/978-1-349-03987-6_9C. Mary Jenking B.Sc...
Learn about Annelida. Discover the segmented body structure of animals in the phylum Annelida. Explore the digestive system and respiration...
annelida n. 环节动物 Annelida 环节动物 phylum n. 门,语系 最新单词 latigynial shield的中文翻译及音标 侧殖板 laticiferous vessel的中文意思 胶乳受器, 有节乳汁管 lathe sword什么意思及同义词 筘座脚 lathe hand的中文意思 车工, 旋工 lathe cutters的中文意思 车床刀具 lathe cone的中文意思...
您指的是 “annelida, the phylum of annelid worms” 吗? ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 Annelidan,thephylumofannelidworms 环节动物门() © Linguee 词典, 2024 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) Links to groupings higher than the one displayed (e.g. Genus, Family, Order, Class,PhylumorKingdom) open an ...
将“phylum Annelidatype:phylum"翻译成拉丁语 Annelida是将“phylum Annelidatype:phylum"翻译成 拉丁语。 phylum Annelidatype:phylum+ 添加翻译 英文-拉丁语字典 Annelida segmented worms: earthworms FinnWordNet 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ phylum Annelidatype:phylum "自动翻译成 拉丁语 phylum Annelidatype...
Annelida Anopla Anthocyathea Anthozoa Archiacanthocephala arrowworm References in periodicals archive ? That said, sampling processing procedures can affect this ratio because the phylum Firmicutes consists of mostly gram-positive bacteria with thick cell walls that can make them difficult to lyse, thus ...