No. I am just good at reading.I am aware of NOmedical studies of treating phimosis in adults.In children, the success rate is over 90% within three months. Most doctors will prescribe the same steroid cream to adults as they do for children, but they may be unaware of the need to st...
/phimosis-cream-over-the-counter/ /phimosis-stretching/ /phimosis-treatment/ /phimosis-treatment-cream/ /phimosis-treatment-without-surgery/ /phimosis-and-paraphimosis/ /phimosis-home-treatment/ /steroid-cream-for-phimosis/ /stretching-to-fix-tight-foreskin-phimosis/ /phimosis-treatment-betamethasone/ /...
but can help you progress faster. Only a doctor can prescribe a corticosteroid of the proper strength. The cortisone cream that you can buy over the counter is thousands of times weaker, and will not be effective.