1. 它简称PCF,我这后文为了简便用PCF代替Power Apps component framework,不是Power Apps Component,这是两个不同的东西,后者只能用于Canvas Apps,不能用于Model-Driven Apps,处于Public Preview阶段,而且也推荐用Component library代替Power App Component,稍有基础的非开发者用户也能使用,前者两者都能用,需要专业的能...
1. 它简称PCF,我这后文为了简便用PCF代替Power Apps component framework,不是Power Apps Component,这是两个不同的东西,后者只能用于Canvas Apps,不能用于Model-Driven Apps,处于Public Preview阶段,而且也推荐用Component library代替Power App Component,稍有基础的非开发者用户也能使用,前者两者都能用,需要...
The Power Apps Component Framework allows traditional developers to create new user interface functionality for app makers to use in their apps, and in today's episode Scott Durow tells us about how he was able to add super flexible drag and drop ca