That means that whatever change we may be talking about lies deep underneath the skin in the muscular layer of your neck – so it cannot be a skin related disease. What you described looks mostly like a cluster of swollen throat lymphatic glands, that are irritated by some kind of an ...
Remove Ads Guestover a year ago Any kind of a bump anywhere on your body can be a sign of cancer although I doubt that this is the case with you. It certainly isn’t a swollen lymphatic gland because big lymphatic glands aren’t located on the tongue but in the neck area, on the ...
Lymphadenopathy & Lympedema.Sxinclude enlarged lymph nodes/glands (lumps in the breast) that is usually movable.Ddx= breast infection (mastitis), breast abscess, pregnancy, lactation and most other causes of breast swelling. Mastitis(breast infection) often occurs when breastfeeding.Sxmay include bre...
A 26-year-old woman with painful swelling of the neck. Dr. John H. Stone: A 26-year-old woman was seen in the rheumatology clinic of this hospital because of painful swelling on both sides of the neck.She had b... JH Stone,PA Caruso,V Deshpande - 《New England Journal of Medicine...
all over your body if you look; in the neck/chin (like under your jaw around the bottom of your face, near the ears, in the arm pits, around the pubic area left and right. Nothing to worry about at all. If you remove them from your body, then maybe a slight problem could ...