近期,浙江大学狄大卫教授、赵保丹研究员团队提出了一种分子掺杂策略,成功实现了钙钛矿半导体从 n 型到 p 型的连续转变。 并且,基于此方法获得的钙钛矿发光二极管(LED,light-emitting diode)亮度高达 116 万尼特,刷新了溶液法 LED(包括有机 LED、量子点 LED 和钙钛矿 LED)的亮度纪录。 这些器件的外量子效率和能量转...
Disclosed is a method for manufacturing a p-type semiconductor light-output vertical conduction light-emitting diode (LED). The method comprises the following steps: providing a substrate, epitaxially growing a luminous structure of the LED on the front side of the substrate, the luminous structure...
Define P-n diode. P-n diode synonyms, P-n diode pronunciation, P-n diode translation, English dictionary definition of P-n diode. n electronics a boundary between a p-type and n-type semiconductor that functions as a rectifier and is used in diodes and j
N Jornet,M Ribas,T Eudaldo 摘要: This paper compares two different types of diodes designed to cover the energy range from 16 to 25 MV, one n-type (diode-A) and the other p-type (diode-B). A 18 MV x-ray beam has been used for all tests. Signal stability postirradiation, ...
日前,相关论文以《发光钙钛矿半导体的可控 p 型和 n 型行为》(Controllable p- and n-type behaviours in emissive perovskite semiconductors)为题发表在 Nature[1]。第一作者是浙江大学熊文涛博士,通讯作者是狄大卫教授和赵保丹研究员。此外,Nature 同期还发表了题为《掺杂策略解锁未来光电子器件》(Future ...
P-type semiconductor就是空穴型半导体(Positive-type semiconductor),N-type semiconductor就是电子型半导体(Negative-type semiconductor),两种半导体合起来就是一个最简单的PN结,又叫diode(二极管)。不叫“正性半导体和负性半导体”。二楼没有在教科书上面看到过,是因为这种理论已经是常识了,现在书...
美 英 网络型;正型;p型 英英 网络释义 adj. 1. usedtodescribeconductivityinasemiconductorduemainlytothemovementoflatticespacesnormallyoccupiedbyelectrons 2. usedtodescribeasemiconductorinwhichtherearemoremobilelatticeholesfreetotransportchargethanelectrons
p i n diode pin二极管 p i n diode phase shifter p i n 二极管移相器 p i n photodiode p i n 光电二极管 p n junction p n 结 p n junction isolation p n 结隔离 p n junction rectification p n 结型整流 p type conduction p 型导电性 ...
Figure 3.(a) Schematic of the n-type Sn-doped β-Ga2O3/p-type N-doped β-Ga2O3homojunction diode (Vpn). (b) I–V and (c) C–V curves with the applied voltage Vnnon Pad 1/2 and the applied voltage Vppon Pad 3/4. (d) Forward current density and Ron,spversus applied volta...
p i n diode pin二极管p i n diode phase shifter p i n 二极管移相器p i n photodiode p i n 光电二极管p n junction p n 结p n junction isolation p n 结隔离p n junction rectification p n 结型整流p type conduction p 型导电性p type diffusion p 型扩散p type dopant p 型掺杂剂p type...