If you don’t have an alternate account or would rather not run two Runescape clients to use the above method, you can still range Chinchompas yourself, bringing a bow and arrows with you. It’s advised to use a Range weapon, so you need not run around chasing after runaway Chins. ...
Thanks to special Hunting Equipment that can be bought from Hunter Stores, you can hunt specific creatures and obtain various expensive, rare, and in-demand Items. One of the most profitable Creatures for Hinting is the Black Chinchompa (Black Chin for short). Hunting them requires 80+ Hunter...
Finish a lap of the Ape Atoll Agility Course.Monkey Madness IAgility 48Ninja monkey greegreeWestern ProvincesHard Take out an elf using a crystal bow.Roving ElvesAgility 56 Range 70Crystal bow (Elves at the Dark beasts do not work.)Western ProvincesHard Enter the Wilderness by taking the Agil...