恩杰(NZXT)Kraken海妖X41 CPU水冷散热器(多平台/CAM软件控制/可编程LED呼吸灯)699元什么值得买甄选出京东优惠促销商品,包括报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。
CAM provides sophisticated controls with an intuitive, user-friendly interface. Now with better sync for lighting across all NZXT RGB devices, full CAM integration allows you to manage your Kraken’s performance with precision, making adjustments with the click of a button. Note: * The pump ori...
I currently have a Kraken Z63 AIO with a NZXT N7 Z790 mobo. I use the NZXT cam software to run the RGB on the fans and the image on the pump. My issue is that the software does not interface well with the motherboard. As in, it detects it but says that it cannot communicate....
恩杰NZXTKraken海妖M22X52X62x72CPU一体式散热器 恩杰NZXT Kraken海妖M22/X52/X62/x72 CPU一体式360RGB水冷散热器 风格: 恩杰 NZXT Kraken 海妖 M22 X52 X62 X72 CPU 一体式 图文详情
恩杰NZXT Kraken M22 X42 X52 X62 X72 海妖CPU一体水冷散热器CAM 西双版纳,西双版纳设计联盟商城网价:579.00,西双版纳设计联盟商城网掌柜:彭于娅,
The Kraken series features one of the most advanced controls to be included in an all-in-one liquid cooler. Through CAM’s software interface, users can fine-tune settings to ensure an optimal performance, even in the most intense gaming sessions. Everything, including the pump, radiator, and...
恩杰NZXT Kraken M22 X42 X52 X62 X72 海妖CPU一体水冷散热器CAM ,设计联盟商城网价:579.00,设计联盟商城网掌柜:彭于娅,
可以 有个转速温度曲线 可以自己设置 不同温度下水泵和风扇的转速
The Kraken series features one of the most advanced controls to be included in an all-in-one liquid cooler. Through CAM’s software interface, users can fine-tune settings to ensure an optimal performance, even in the most intense gaming sessions. Everything, including the pump, radiator, and...