Cleric, druid, paladin, and ranger spellcasting is wisdom-based. This has several consequences. The highest spell level that these classes can cast is the caster's base (unmodified) wisdom score minus ten, while bonus spells are given to these classes based on the caster's current (modified...
A successful spot check reveals a hidden creature. Ability: wisdom Classes: arcane archer, assassin, champion of Torm, dwarven defender, red dragon disciple, shadowdancer, ranger, rogue, shifter, weapon master Cross-class: yes Requires training: no Check
The SoZ campaign also erroneously checks for the Wild Empathy feat here and there, which is a cut feature originally reserved for druid/ranger classes. Active abilities from your character such as Knockdown do not work while shapeshifted (possibly because you do not keep the feat when you ...