总的来说,NSF GRFP是美国最古老且最具声望的研究生奖学金计划之一,为年轻研究人员提供了宝贵的经济支持和专业发展机会。达特茅斯大学的学生和校友在这一竞争中取得了优异的成绩,充分体现了他们在学术研究中的卓越表现和潜力。这一奖项不仅是对获奖者个人努力和成就的认可,也是对达特茅斯大学教育质量和学术氛围的肯定。...
据泰晤士高等教育(Times Higher Education)报道,美国国家科学基金会(NSF)近日宣布,其在 2021 年研究生研究奖学金计划(Graduate Research Fellowship Program,GRFP)将设三个优先领域,分别是人工智能(artificial intelligence)、量子信息科学(quantum information science)和计算密集型研究(computationally intensive r...
虽然NSF的大部分资金都流向经验丰富的研究人员,但NSF也致力于为其所有资助的研究领域的研究生提供资金。 为此,其设立了研究生研究奖学金计划(Graduate Research Fellowship Program, GRFP),该计划为学术生涯早期的优秀研究生提供为期三年的奖学金,并提供独特的合作网络和机会。 尽管竞争非常激烈,但NSF的资助对于美国研...
I had been contemplating applying for the NSF GRFP for a few months, and I've decided to give it a go. I think I have the perfect three letter writers: 1) my undergraduate advisor and senior project mentor, 2) an undergraduate professor that I took many courses with, worked with on ...
NSF GRFP Program - Giant Angstrom, NORDP 2017Alan, Paul
While the applications aren't due for a few months, it is never too early to start writing your essays for fellowship applications. Here is a quick overview of the NSF GRFP from the NSF GRFP official site Fellows share in the prestige and opportunities t
The National Science Foundation- Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF-GRFP) is an annual grant awarded by the National Science Foundation to approximately 900-1000 graduate students at US institutions, in science, social science and engineering. The grant covers the cost of tuition and fees ($...
Hoffer, Tom
National Science Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) which is celebrating its 60th year. It mentions that the program is expanding itself to offer international opportunities to its fellows through its new Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide (GROW) program. GROW will prepare ...