Alpine Linux 2. Windows 虽然Netdata 主要是为 Linux 设计的,但是也有对 Windows 的支持,需要使用 WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) 来运行。 3. macOS 对于macOS,Netdata 可以在最新的 macOS 版本上运行,但需要通过 Homebrew 安装。 以上信息可能会随着 Netdata 的更新而变化,建议查阅 Netdata 的官方文档以获取...
9、Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 在Windows上运行Linux发行版的子系统,如Ubuntu、Debian等 10、Haiku OS BeOS的开源继承者,支持x86和ARM架构 请注意,虽然Netdata支持这些操作系统,但某些功能可能因操作系统而异,在使用Netdata时,请参阅官方文档以获取特定操作系统的详细信息和配置指南。
For Windows, we currently rely on Windows Exporter (so a Netdata running on Linux, FreeBSD or macOS is required, next to the monitored Windows servers). However, a Windows version of the Netdata Agent is at its final state for release....
having experimental support for runit. This package can also update a netdata installation that has been created with another version of it. Your netdata configuration will be retained. After installation, netdata will be (re-)started. netdata re-distributes a lot of open source software components...
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.mysql>mysql>mysql>CREATE USER'netdata'@'localhost'IDENTIFIED BY'password';Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.52 sec)mysql>GRANT USAGE, REPLICATION CLIENT, PROCESS ON *.* TO'netdata'@'localhost';Query OK, 0 rows...
Netdata now runs seamlessly on Windows, in addition to Linux, macOS, and FreeBSD. This advancement required an extensive rework across the Netdata codebase. While we continue using MSYS2 for certain POSIX dependencies, we’re making strides toward full abstraction of this layer. The Windows code...
netdata agent for Windows should be able to start as a service. Steps to reproduce compile the last commit from the master Installation method from source System info Windows 11 Enterprise Netdata build info Packaging: Netdata Version ___:v1.46.0-131-ga420bfd38 Installation Type ___:unknown P...
netdata国内镜像netdatawindows 今天在网上瞎逛,偶然发现一款监控工具:netdata,感到一惊,监控工具竟然可以这么漂亮!简单了解一下,这款工具还算比较新,监控系统运行状态的功能非常强大,除了监控cpu,网卡,磁盘,内存,进程等等之外,甚至能监控系统的cpu中断,上下文切换等等非常深入的系统运行状态。 新版本还支持监控常用的web服...
(only a windows service?) To start or stop a service in Windows you can execute th...How to input a word (I am using Python 3) I want to create a program in which depending on the word (not a string) I wrote, different results are shown. For example, I have two documents (...