UNITY_IOS && !UNITY_ANDROID return; #endif // 如有需要,对跟踪器配置进行调整 var myTrackerConfig = MyTracker.MyTrackerConfig; // ... // 调整跟踪器的参数 // ... // 根据平台进行跟踪器的初始化 #if UNITY_IOS MyTracker.Init("SDK_KEY_IOS"); #elif UNITY_ANDROID MyTracker.Init("SDK_KEY_...
MyTracker 概述MyTracker根据不同的归因方式,支持的SDK版本如下,详情请参考MyTracker官网链接: OAID/GAID归因支持的SDK版本为3.0.10及以上版本;Refe……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
The power of MyTracker for your business For SMEs Analyze your ad performance and revenue forecast with ready-made templates. All reports are easy to interpret. No experience required. For corporations Explore each metric at a granular level and export raw data to create custom reports, all while...
This could be useful if you need to compare metrics from different systems using different time zones, or if you application distributed in area uses time zone other than the default. You can set upTimezonefor all MyTracker reports at once. For more details, refer toSettingssection. ...
The power of MyTracker for your business For SMEs Analyze your ad performance and revenue forecast with ready-made templates. All reports are easy to interpret. No experience required. For corporations Explore each metric at a granular level and export raw data to create custom reports, all while...
The power of MyTracker for your business For SMEs Analyze your ad performance and revenue forecast with ready-made templates. All reports are easy to interpret. No experience required. For corporations Explore each metric at a granular level and export raw data to create custom reports, all while...
Top N limits data sample with top N values of selected metric. Valid for all metrics selected for the report and is very useful for building quick reports without the need to observe all data. Was this article helpful? Top N result filter...
商标名称 MYTRACKER 国际分类 第09类-科学仪器 商标状态 驳回复审 申请/注册号 57801332 申请日期 2021-07-19 申请人名称(中文) 深圳市视威创新科技有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 广东省深圳市宝安区西乡宝源路亨林大厦402A室(办公场所) 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 202...
MyTracker 专业MyTracker多功能智能拐杖源头实力厂家 智能拐杖多功能老人手杖拐棍照明定位通话收音报警充电老年人用品 智能定位通话拐杖是一种结合了现代科技的辅助工具。 它具有以下一些特点和功能: 定位功能:可以通过 GPS 或其他定位技术,实时确定使用者的位置,…阅读全文 赞同添加评论 分享收藏...
1.系统概述 •本系统的设计灵感源于软件开发中使用的IssueTrackingSystem(ITS)。•我们将ITS的功能一般化,形成我们的过程追踪服务系统MyTracker。•系统提供对学习、工作、生活中各类过程(一件事情的来龙去脉)的记录和追踪服务。•追踪的内容包括:过程的主题、描述(形式:文字、多媒体文件)、状态、相关事件、...