myACCAprovides customised information and services relevant to the qualification and level you are studying. What is myACCA used for? You can usemyACCAto: make changes to your contact and employment details makesecure paymentsfor your annual subscription and exam fees using your credit or debit ca...
myACCAprovides customised information and services relevant to the qualification and level you are studying. What is myACCA used for? You can usemyACCAto: make changes to your contact and employment details makesecure paymentsfor your annual subscription and exam fees using your cr...
Insert your username and password below to access your secure personal MyACCA account. Username Password Sign in to MyACCA Forgotten your username?Forgotten or change your password?New user - set your password? Having problems signing in? Keeping your contact and employment details up to date...
Insert your username and password below to access your secure personal MyACCA account. Username Password Sign in to MyACCA Forgotten your username?Forgotten or change your password?New user - set your password? Having problems signing in? Keeping your contact and employment details up to date...
首先,需要告诉大家的是,在MYACCA账户里面的余额是无法提现的,只能留在账户里用来支付下一次ACCA考试的费用,或者用来支付ACCA年费。不过,可以放心的是,存在MYACCA账户里面的余额是保持为英镑状态的,不会因为汇率的波动发生改变。 为什么会产生MYACCA余额?
考生可以通过myACCA来: 第一、考生可以随时更改个人联系方式和工作详细信息。小编在这里建议大家个人联系方式要保持更新。官方会通过个人联系方式里填写的信息给考生发送通讯信息,比如考生可以通过电子通讯接收我们发送的考试结果或在线报名考试信息。这是考生从ACCA官方这里接收重要信息的一种快捷方便的方式。 第二、考生可...
一、ACCA的MYACCA账户余额可以提现吗? 不可以。可以做以下用途使用。 (一)、交ACCA年费 如果下次交的是ACCA年费,ACCA会自动从余额中扣除,无须操作,除非余额不够抵付年费的,你会有正向差额需要再补齐。 (二)、ACCA考试费 如果下次交的是ACCA考试费用,当报考的时候可以先从余额中抵扣,往往...
MyACCA是一个专业会计认证机构的在线平台,全称为“My Association of Chartered Certified Accountants”。该平台主要服务于会计和金融领域的专业人士,为他们提供学习和交流的机会。以下对MyACCA进行详细解释:一、基本概述 MyACCA为全球范围内的会计师提供了一个综合性的在线服务平台。作为一个专注于会计和...
1. 支付ACCA考试费用。ACCA考试费用是会员需要支付的重要费用之一。当会员有考试需求时,可以使用MyACCA账户中的余额来支付考试费用,避免现金支付带来的不便。2. 用于培训费用。除了考试费用,ACCA会员还需要参加各种培训课程以提升其专业技能和知识。MyACCA账户中的余额也可用于支付这些培训费用,确保会员能够...