英 na.合股投资(公司) 网络共同基金;互惠基金 复数:mutual funds 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 mutual-fund n. 1. 共同基金,单位信托投资公司(代客户进行不同组合的投资)a company that offers a service to people by investing their money in various different businesses ...
a mutual fund is a collection of investors' money that fund managers use to invest in stocks, bonds, and other securities. lower costs our average expense ratio across our mutual funds and etfs is 82% lower than the industry average.* learn more about our cost advantage open an account ...
共同基金(Mutual Funds) Mutual Fund A fund managed by an investment company in which investors pool their capital. 共同基金 由投资公司管理并由投资人共同投入资本的基金。 Fund, Open-end A mutual fund which continuously offers shares into the market. 开放式基金 向市场不断投放基金单位的共同基金。 F...
到2014年底,该行业管理的总资产已发展到近16万亿美元,大约相当于美国2014年的国内生产总值。 Sources: Investment Company Institute and International Investment Funds Association 上面的图表显示,到2014年底,全球共同基金和ETF资产占约33万亿美元,其中有54%是在美国。 为什么我们那么在乎共同基金?其原因是,共同基金已日...
Mutual funds are a great way to invest in a variety of securities instead of buying individual stocks or bonds. Learn how to pick the best funds for your portfolio.
Click Go to Dashboard, to navigate to the dashboard.ORClick the Redeem Fund link, if you want to redeem another fund.ORClick the Back to Wealth Overview link to navigate to the Wealth Management Overview screen.OR Click the Switch link, to access the Switch Mutual Funds screen....
mutual funds共同基金 index funds 指数基金 区别在于:1、在股票市场,共同基金可以投资所有股票,指数基金只能对指数成份股进行配置。2、共同基金可以主动投资,指数基金只能被动配置指数成份股。3、共同基金的投资范围更广,除了股票,它还可以投资其他领域。
Mutual funds are pooled investments managed by professional money managers. They trade on exchanges and provide an accessible way for investors to get access to a wide mix of assets that are selected for the fund. What Is a Mutual Fund?
共同基金(mutual fund)什么是共同基金 共同基金的概念其实很简单,就是汇集许多小钱凑成大钱,交给专人或专业机构操作管理以获取利润的一种集资式的投资工具。在国内,共同基金的正式名称为「证券投资信托基金」,是由投信公司依信托契约的形式发行受益凭证,主要的投资标的为股票、期货、债券、短期票券等...
Mutual funds are known by the kinds of securities they invest in, their investment objectives, and the type of returns they seek. Mutual funds charge annual fees, expense ratios, or commissions, which lower their overall returns. Many American workers put their retirement funds into mutual funds...