mü-ˌja-hid-ˈēn mu̇-, -ˌjä- :Islamic guerrilla fighters especially in the Middle East Etymology Arabicmujāhidīn"Islamic guerrilla fighters," plural form ofmujahīd"a person who wages Islamic holy war" More from Merriam-Webster onmujahideen ...
They are closely related, as the Taliban originally consisted of many Mujahideen fighters. However, the Taliban was founded in 1994 after the Soviet-Afghan War. It is also more extreme than some Mujahideen groups were. Register to view this lesson ...
The Chechens aren't seen again till Neptune's Net, where Mother and Rabbit evade them while searching for Voodoo and Preacher. They are eventually compromised and forced to jump off a cliff, where they are captured by al-Qaeda fighters. The Chechens are seen again in Rescue the Rescuers,...
The Swedish Mujahideen: An Exploratory Study of 41 Swedish Foreign Fighters Deceased in Iraq and SyriaOver the past 30 years, Sweden has witnessed a growth in criminal gangs. Gun violence among young males is also on the rise and have only recently gained wide political attention. Street gangs...
He said: "When your Prince came here and flew his Apache helicopter and bombarded the Mujahideen [holy warriors] it meant that our fighters did not exactly have a soft spot for him. "As far as the Mujahideen were concerned he was just an ordinary soldier who was fighting for America. ...
a europol report on terrorism in 2007 indicated that only 24 individuals were arrested for recruiting jihadis in Europe for a Sunni group namedAnsar al-Islamin Iraq which later merged with Islamic State in 2014. Now, the number of foreign fighters in Islamic State has risen to 4,000 acco...
mu·ja·hid·een variants or mujahedin mü-ˌja-hid-ˈēn mu̇-, -ˌjä- : Islamic guerrilla fighters especially in the Middle East Etymology Arabic mujāhidīn "Islamic guerrilla fighters," plural form of mujahīd "a person who wages Islamic holy war" More...
Afghanistan War: anti-Taliban fighters Anti-Taliban fighters observing U.S. bombing of the cave sanctuaries of the al-Qaeda... Erik de Castro—Reuters/NewscomVIEW MORE in these related Britannica articles: Media for: socialism Media for: democracy Media for: libertarianism Media for: commun...
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan; Afghan WarAfghan resistance fighters returning to a village destroyed by Soviet forces, 1986. The mujahideen were fragmented politically into a handful of independent groups, and their military efforts remained uncoordinated throughout the war. The quality of their arms ...