Of the 143212 characters on Anime Characters Database, 77 are from the franchise Mortal Kombat (Series).
All characters in Mortal Kombat 4 including Goro, Shinnok, Johnny Cage, Tanya, Liu Kang and many more.
There are many Mortal Kombat 1 characters, from familiar faces to new fighters. Here’s who’s heading to Switch, PlayStation, PC, and Xbox in the fighting game.
This is a list of characters from thefighting game series and the games in which they appear. Due to a large number of characters and games in the series, the list is presented in the following table. There are 101 characters listed here....
Mortal Kombat: Onslaught is a game where you follow the stories of several of the franchise’s most popular characters as they wander the Netherrealms, each with their own motivations and goals.
Secret characters are special opponents who are usually not found within the original 1P and 2P Tournament/Battle Plan. To reach them, one must meet specific conditions, often challenging ones in order to face them in kombat. Secret characters often appe
Mortal Kombat News, Screenshots, Combos, Renders, Wallpapers, Animations and much more... Pakistan Best Astrologer and Numerologist Sir Rathore Mortal Kombat Links Mortal Kombat Animations Mortal Kombat Wallpapers Mortal Kombat Koncept Art Mortal Kombat Renders Mortal Kombat History Arcade Online Games...
When some characters get caught by Cyrax's net or other moves - "Whoa not so poppin now whoa hey hey hey!" Cyrax's Fatality - Hairicopter Liu Kang's Bicycle Kick - Gobble kick. Noob Saibot's Disabler - Shadow Freeze Rain's Roundhouse - Ultra Kick ...
NextCharactersScorpionPrevBasicsHow to create an AI bot? Each character inMortal Kombat 11features several unique base attacks, attack sequences, and abilities that allow you to mount different combos. Moreover, each character inMortal Kombat 11comes in different variations that give you access to di...
The ranking has nothing to do with their fighting tier in-game. Now that we have that out of the way, let us bring you our Top 10 Best Mortal Kombat Characters!