monitoring-agent:监控代理端,用于收集服务器信息和汇聚、转发来自监控客户端的信息; monitoring-server:监控服务端,是监控平台的核心模块,用于汇聚、分析监控信息,在发现异常时实时推送告警信息; monitoring-ui:监控可视化系统,用于平台配置、用户管理、监控信息查看、图表展示等; doc:包含平台的设计文档、服务启停脚本、...
Work Folders is a new functionality introduced in Windows Server 2012 R2. It enables Information workers to sync their work files between their devices. This functionality is powered by the Work Folders service that can be enabled as aWindows Server 2012 R2 File Services Role...
Server Monitoring Server Uptime Monitoring Windows Server Monitoring Server Health Monitor Server Log Management Systems Management Hyper-V Management Tools Linux Server Monitoring Tools VMware Monitoring ESX Host Monitoring Server Virtualization Virtual Machine (VM) Monitoring ...
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 是 PerformancePoint Monitoring Server 的所有组件的依赖项。由于 Monitoring Server 同时支持客户端操作系统 [Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) 和 Windows Vista] 和服务器操作系统(Windows Server 2003 和 Windows Server 2008),因此它支持多个版本的 IIS。 Windows XP...
了解在本地和混合环境中使用 Azure Monitor VM 见解监视 Windows Server 的最佳做法。 你将了解如何使用 VM 见解通过识别性能瓶颈和网络问题来提高应用性能和可用性。
PerformancePoint Monitoring Server Planning and Architecture Guide Monitoring Server 使用英语阅读 添加到集合 添加到计划 通过 共享LinkedIn电子邮件 打印 项目 2010/06/14 更新: 2009-04-30 监控服务器 包含以下组件,它们可以协同工作以便为 PerformancePoint 提供监控和报表功能。这些组件是在部署过程中...
Free Windows server monitoring tool helps monitor Windows services such as Exchange, SharePoint, MSSQL, DHCP and more. Download now!
II – Windows Server Monitoring Architecture Before installing the WMI exporter, let’s have a quick look at what our final architecture looks like. As a reminder, Prometheus is constantly scrapingtargets. Targets are nodes that are exposing metrics on a given URL, accessible by Prometheus. ...
SAM Windows server monitoring tools offer built-in IT asset inventory to scan your Windows environment and collect data about drivers, firmware, hard drives, hosted VMs, memory, network interfaces, processors, software, Windows update information, applied operating system updates, and more. Monitor se...
安装和配置 Monitoring Server 必需软件 更新: 2009-04-09 监控服务器安装程序分为两个阶段:先是软件安装,然后是软件配置。 首先,运行 PSCSrv.msi 在计算机上安装 监控服务器 软件。安装好该软件后,必须运行 监控服务器配置管理器来配置服务器组件。您可以将这个配置步骤视为打开或关闭本地计算机上的组件。 监控...