“ 在moka.care,我们相信每家公司都应该将心理健康视为健康组织的主要支柱,就像在顶级体育中一样。 心理健康,一个处于人力资源政策核心的问题 由于采用了人力和数字的混合模式,moka.care为法国和欧洲的100多家公司和15000名员工提供了个性化的有效解决方案。 moka.care既支持规模化企业(Qonto、Dataiku等)和中小企业(Ri...
Avec moka.care, prenez soin de votre santé mentale au quotidien et traversez chaque période de votre vie, personnelle comme professionnelle, avec confiance et s…
The moka.care app gives you access to the human support you deserve. • Book confidential sessions with psychologists, coaches and therapists, on site or remotely. • Schedule a phone call within 72 hours with a psychologist from our Mental Health team, to find the right practitioner for ...
据外媒TechCrunch报道,法国心理健康初创「Moka.care」近期宣布获得1500万欧元(折合1600万美元)的A轮融资,由Left Lane Capital领投,现有投资者Singular、风险投资公司Origins(由Blaise Matudi、Ilan Abehassera和Salomon Aiach联合创办)、Antoine Griezmann跟投。 该公司专注于为企业提供员工心理健康解决方案,介于员工和人力...
已有100家公司注册了Moka.care的服务。 作者:Rachel 出品:财经涂鸦 初创公司Moka.care近日完成的1600万的A轮融资,Left Lane Capital领投。Moka.care为公司提供关注员工心理健康的ToB端服务,创建初期公司从Singular筹集了300万美元资金,此次融资,Singular再参投,其他投资机构还包括Origins和 Antoine Griezmann。Moka.care方...
Compare Moka.care to Competitors Modern Health Modern Health provides a comprehensive global mental health solution. The company offers a range of services, including one-on-one clinical therapy, group therapy sessions, and self-guided mental health resources designed to support the emotional, professio...
Reduce stress, promote concentration and improve your sleep with Breathe, the new cardiac coherence tool from moka.care. Cardiac coherence in a nutshell This technique synchronises breathing with your heartbeat, to help you relax. The goal is to find a consistent rhythm in your breath—balancing...
Moka.care是法国一家雇员心理健康服务商,为员工提供个人心理健康服务支持,包括与平台选定的心理学家、教练或治疗师预约一次完全保密的咨询。近日宣布获得1500万欧元(折合1600万美元)的A轮融资,由Left Lane Capital领投,现有投资者Singular、风险投资公司Origins(由Blaise Matudi、Ilan Abehassera和Salomon Aiach联合创办...
Moka.care is a company that focuses on mental health prevention in the business sector. The company offers a comprehensive solution for mental health prevention for teams, including primary prevention measures such as workplace wellbeing assessments, secondary prevention measures like support and coaching...
2022年5月26日,法国心理健康初创公司Moka.care近期宣布获得1500万欧元(折合1600万美元)的A轮融资,由Left Lane Capital领投,现有投资者Singular、风险投资公司Origins(由Blaise Matudi、Ilan Abehassera和Salomon Aiach联合创办)、Antoine Griezmann跟投。该公司专注于为企业提供员工心理健康解决方案,介于员工和人力资源部门...