如何使用MMTF 您只需在代码中包括mmtf.hpp标头即可使用MMTF。 例如,一个加载MMTF文件的最小示例如下所示: # include < mmtf> int main ( int argc, char argv) { mmtf::StructureData data; mmtf::decodeFromFile (data, " test.mmtf " ); return 0点...
print_as_pdb.cpp: Loads an MMTF file and prints it in pdb format. ./examples/print_as_pdb ../submodules/mmtf_spec/test-suite/mmtf/173D.mmtf Benchmark Using the following simple code: #include<mmtf.hpp>intmain(intargc,char** argv) {for(inti=1; i<argc; ++i) { mmtf::Structur...
guessType(key)) { case mmtf::MapDecoder::FLOAT_VECTOR: { color_maps[key] = getNormalizedValues<float>(md, data); break; } case mmtf::MapDecoder::INT8_VECTOR: { color_maps[key] = getNormalizedValues<int8_t>(md, data); break; } case mmtf::MapDecoder::INT16_VECTOR: { color_m...