M. (2009). The MMPI-2 symptom validity scale (FBS) is an empirically-validated measure of over-reporting in personal injury litigants and claimants: Reply to Butcher et al. (2008). Psychological Injury and Law, 2 (1), 62–85.
在MMPI-2-RF中,传统的临床量表(Hs D Hy Pd Mf Pa Pt Sc Ma Si)不再出现,临床亚量表也一并消失。 效度问卷 回答不一致性 VRIN-r/TRIN-r(-r表示重组/修订,下同) 夸大问题/装坏(Over-reporting) F-r/Fp-r Fs/FBS-r/RBS Fs RBS 较MMPI-2删除Fb。 隐瞒问题/装好(Under-reporting) L-r/K-r ...
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) Symptom Validity (Fake Bad Scale [FBS]) Scale is widely used to assist in determining noncredible symptom reporting, despite a paucity of detailed research regarding its itemmetric characteristics. Originally designed for use in civil litigatio...
Traditional MMPI-2 validity scales, the Lees-Haley Fake Bad Scale (FBS), and the Arbisi and Ben Porath Infrequency Psychopathology Scale (F(p)) were evalua... GJ Larrabee - 《Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology》 被引量: 163发表: 2003年 A validity index for the MMPI-2 There have been...
Examination of the impact of ethnicity on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) Fake Bad Scale. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) Fake Bad Scale (FBS; Butcher, Dahlstrom, Graham, Tellegen,&Kaemmer, 1989) has been shown to be s... AC Dean,KB...
The Fake Bad Scale (FBS [Psychol. Rep. 68 (1991) 203]) was created from MMPI-2 items to assess faking of physical complaints among personal injury claimant... N James,Butcher,A Paul,... - 《Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology the Official Journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologis...
Results indicated large effect sizes for the MMPI-2-RF validity scales, including a Cohen's d of .90 for Fs in a head injury simulation sample, 2.31 for FBS-r, 2.01 for F-r, and 1.97 for Fs in a medical simulation sample, and 1.45 for FBS-r and 1.30 for F-r in identifying ...
Regression analyses indicated that the RBS was a better predictor of the mean memory complaints score than the F, FB, and FP validity scales and the FBS. There was no correlation between the RBS and the CVLT, an objective measure of verbal memory. These findings suggest that elevated scores ...
Predicting SVT performance with the MMPI-2-RF FBS-r, RBS, and FS scales Three cases are presented of peculiar speech and language abnormalities that were evaluated in the context of personal injury lawsuit or workers compensation claims of brain dysfunction after mild traumatic brain injuries. Neuro...
Empty CellEscalas del MMPI-2-RF de exageración Escalas del SIMSF-rFp-rFsFBS-r Total SIMS 0.85** 0.81** 0.71** 0.35 Psicosis (Ps) 0.63** 0.73** 0.33 -0.11 Deterioro neurológico (Dn) 0.76** 0.64** 0.85** 0.48* Trastornos amnésicos (Am) 0.73** 0.74** 0.61** 0.28 Baja inteligen...