Technologies we have achieved this goal. In answer to the ever increasing demand for a quality product at an affordable price, in 2009, MJG Technologies Inc. opened a second manufacturing facility in Zacatecas, Mexico. This 10,000 square ft. facility is our base of assembly and worldwide ...
Technologies we have achieved this goal. In answer to the ever increasing demand for a quality product at an affordable price, in 2009, MJG Technologies Inc. opened a second manufacturing facility in Zacatecas, Mexico. This 10,000 square ft. facility is our base of assembly and worldwide ...
当地时间周一(6日),戴尔科技(dell technologies inc)宣布将裁员约6650人,占其全球员工总数的5%,以应对个人电脑市场的低迷和潜在的经济衰退。据悉,截至2022年1月28日,戴尔总共拥有约13.3万名员工,其中约三分之一在美国。 据中新网2月3日援引彭博社3日消息,谷歌加州总部和...
自 2020 年以来,山特维克集团先后大手笔收购美国仿真软件公司 CGTech、CAD/CAM 软件供应商 CNC Software Inc.,以及加拿大 CAM 数据服务商 ICAM Technologies Corp. 等。其中,CGTech 的 VERICUT 软件致力于 CAM 的加工模拟和优化,可实现数...
The strong presence of Chinese internet and technology companies in a top-notch international event reflects the country's rapid progress in cutting-edge technologies, such as 5G, cloud computing and AI, as well as its growing competitiveness in science and technology on the global stage, Pan add...
广州归谷科技园总裁,历任硅谷Symyx Technologies,Inc.(纳斯达克上市公司)、硅谷Accelergy Corp. 各级技术职务及副总裁。目前,范群博士还担任中华海外联谊会理事,广东留学人员联谊会和广东欧美同学会名誉副会长,广州欧美同学会美加分会会长,广州市政府...
Invitrogen为Life Technologies公司的旗下品牌,而后者目前已被Thermo Fisher Scientific公司收购。Invitrogen成功地提供了PCR产物快速克隆试剂盒,及与之配套的系列产品,包括高效转染和转化试剂、高效感受态细胞、全面的原核及真核基因表达系统、酵母双杂交系统等多种特色产品,大大便利...
Company: Cosmo Technologies, Ltd. Approval Date: 02 July 2020 Submission Classification: Type 1 - New Molecular Entity and Type 4 - New Combination Indication(s): Indicated for the induction and maintenance of procedural sedation in adul...
中国,上海——近日,微创心通医疗科技有限公司(02160.HK,以下简称“心通医疗”)的联营公司4C Medical Technologies, Inc. (以下简称“4C Medical”)宣布,其研发的经导管二尖瓣植入器械AltaValve™已使用其新一代经房间隔、低外径、全可...
烽火科技集团 FiberHome Technologies Group and the subsidiary 南京烽火星空通信发展 Nanjing FiberHome Starrysky Communication Development; 网易考拉 NetPosa and the subsidiary 深网视界 (人脸识别)SenseNets; 云天励飞 Intellifusion; IS'Vision. 据悉,这些企业及部门被列入“实体清单”后,美...