Some of the shorts include Australian native Elliot Cowan’s animated film The Thing In The Distance, a humorous yet dark story exploring the dangers of curiosity from award winning series Boxhead and Roundhead. Fellow New Hampshirite Thomas Tosi’s recovered black and white, 16mm film The Octo...
He continued to provide the voice and motion-capture for the character through the video game universe, including Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order, Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, and the upcoming Marvel's Spider-Man 2 sequel game. Outside of his Spidey work, Nadji also provi...
There’s also husband-and-wife team Zach Baylin and Kate Susman, who wrote the upcoming Netflix limited series Black Rabbit, and Vanessa Kirby, whose production company got its first film, a Kirby vehicle titled The Night Always Comes, produced this year. Buzzword I’d banish“Power ...
Lifetime is set to premiere its next movie series based on VC Andrews' Landry Family book series which includes, 'Ruby', 'Pearl in the Mist', 'All That Glitters' and 'Hidden Jewel'. All four movies will be debuting over consecutive weekends starting on March 20. Since ...
and Young Justice: Invasion. She's also appeared on-screen for multiple episodes of Longmire, FBI: Most Wanted, The Mist, and Alaska Daily. She's also appeared in the 2020 miniseries The Stand, Westworld, and has been cast in the live-action Netflix adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbend...
From Ant-Man to X-Force, here are the lesser-known DC and Marvel heroes coming to TV, movies and Netflix.
Crowned Miss World 2000, Priyanka quickly became a Bollywood star in her native India. But you know her as Alex Parrish on ABC’sQuantico, or maybe you’ve seen her in Netflix’sThe White TigerorThe Matrix Resurrections. But if you only know her as Nick Jonas’ wife, then it’s safe...
She's also appeared on-screen for multiple episodes of Longmire, FBI: Most Wanted, The Mist, and Alaska Daily. She's also appeared in the 2020 miniseries The Stand, Westworld, and has been cast in the live-action Netflix adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Nadji Jeter Via Geek'd...
Joseph “Joe” Omo-Osagie has been working as a community outreach worker and counselor for the past 35 years. In this role he has had the opportunity to work within the local schools in the Champaign County area and in the state of Illinois as a whole. ...
Netflix made a splash when it started producing original content, launching “House of Cards” to critical acclaim in 2013. It similarly made headlines in 2017 when it dropped “A Christmas Prince,” its first attempt at a Hallmark-style Christmas romance. This tale of a young journalist who...