DBP 浓度的降低远低于 THAA 和 TTHM 的拟议 MCL。当同时实施臭氧化和增强凝结时,总有机碳浓度的降低幅度大于单独使用增强凝结。臭氧化工艺改善了整体成品水质、真实颜色、阈值气味数,并且在添加混凝剂之前实施臭氧化时,混凝效率得到提高(减少了混凝剂量)。包括 5 个参考文献、表格、附录。
The Simulated Distribution Samples werestored with a normal residual chlorine concentration for six days before sampling for TTHM and HAA5. Six days equals the maximum water age at the monitoring sites in the distributionsystem. Removal of TTHM and HAA5 precursors was greater with powdered activated...