分值: 2 答案:C [解析] 第三段仍然在介绍“我”作为公园博物学家的工作内容,但是关键词 In my first naturalist job 和 As a state park naturalist 暗示了“我” 角色的变化。再根据段落内容,“我”的工作重心产生了变化,从最初重复性 的工作到现在多样化工作,甚至参与管理决策。所以本题应选 C。 ...
State the problem privately, in a reasonabletone of voice. Be specific about the facts of the sure you have all the facts. Discuss what has to be done to prevent theproblem from happening again. By involving the other person in this process, youare more likely to get his or her ...