向下捲動 聖誕節即將到來 浪琴為您提供一系列送禮之選。 男士禮品女士禮品 Product slider 跳到產品列表的末尾 跳到產品列表的開頭 男士手錶 女士手錶 浪琴先行者系列ZULU TIME腕錶探索 作品 格調 協助 無障礙使用設定 加入我們 Ig Fb Yt X Pt We Lk © 2024 LONGINES Watch Co. Francillon Ltd., ...
Browse our collections of Swiss watches and discover Longines' expertise, built on tradition, elegance and performance since 1832.
Browse our collections of Swiss watches and discover Longines' expertise, built on tradition, elegance and performance since 1832.
一枚世界时腕表让旅途轻松不少 名匠系列世界时腕表 24小时内表盘显示各时区时间 而主表盘则指示本地时间 出境之前设置好时区显示盘 便可以将世界时间掌握腕间 运动体验时,腕表不免受到震动 康卡斯系列V.H.P.腕表 拥有超高精准度及防磁、抗震功能 独特的GPD齿轮位置自动检测系统 在受到外界震荡及磁场影响时 可以自动进...
Browse our collections of Swiss watches and discover Longines' expertise, built on tradition, elegance and performance since 1832.
Browse our collections of Swiss watches and discover Longines' expertise, built on tradition, elegance and performance since 1832.
Browse our collections of Swiss watches and discover Longines' expertise, built on tradition, elegance and performance since 1832.
心动瞬间,以色彩表达 浪琴表推出七夕特别款腕表 嘉岚系列单色腕表心动上线 怦然心动的瞬间 爱是热烈的红 耀眼张扬,不加掩饰 去爱吧,就现在 全新嘉岚系列单色腕表 极简表盘释放摩登时尚感 酒庄红明艳而耀眼 初遇,聚焦心动目光 爱不是单方面的追逐 心意互通的时刻 ...
Browse our collections of Swiss watches and discover Longines' expertise, built on tradition, elegance and performance since 1832.
Browse our collections of Swiss watches and discover Longines' expertise, built on tradition, elegance and performance since 1832.