Warwick was also quite good as a tank/fighter. You are going to want to build him tank with 1-3 damage items. Build order depends on if your team needs a tank earlier or more damage but generally you are going to want BotrK, tier 2 boots, Frozen Heart, Spirit Visage. Skill order ...
FILTER Lane Top Jungle Mid ADC Support Role Hard CC Hard Engage Disengage Poke Waveclear Tank Damage Physical Magical Utility No pref. Game Early Game Mid Game Late Game No pref. 158 CHAMPIONS ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ -- A -- Aatrox ...
Up next we have the peacekeeper of balance called Karma “The Enlightened One”. Well, as much as she likes to keep the balance she’s one broken champion let me tell you that gamers. You see Karma likes to use her ultimate ability to empower her Q and deal a lot of damage to every...
https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/champions/karma/ 7. Leona Here we have the biggest tank for the support role in the history of this game. Originally she was a top laner but something happened and now she’s stuck in the bot lane as a support. Now don’t get me wrong Leona ...
Late game is where Graves falls of a bit. His burst is much less effective due to the tankiness the enemy will have built up. This is the stage of the game that you really really need to get a pick on an enemy. 5v4 is Graves’ motto and late game a lot of other Marksmen will...
Karma Karma is usually a support champion with great poke and mobility. Although a support champion, Karma can still dish out heavy damage to control the lane even without her AD Carry. Karma can play both defensive and offensively which makes her a good choice for a support ...
:Lulu in her current form is largely the same Lulu that's always been around. However, with nerfs on Zyra, it opens up a new support to the plate. In this case, Lulu beats out Karma slightly for her ability to instantly buff up an ally and also potentially cancel the damage from a...
Lucian [Damage/Outplay]:In the current meta, Lucian specializes as a highly mobile tank-killing machine. There's also his level two power spike, which is enough to get him snowballing early through a simple E - AA - AA - Q - AA - AA combo. There are almost no champions that can ho...