CFDEM-PFM liggghts_run Imprint: CFDEMresearch GmbH | Industriezeile 35, 4020 Linz, Austria | +43-732-9022-2200 |
[0] step 16804: nlocal 926 ilocal 800 999 tags 2227 1000 mol 1 1 ERROR on proc 0: Failed to operate on granular bond history during copy i1 (/home/jirayuts53/LIGGGHTS/LIGGGHTS-PFM/src/fix_particledistribution_discrete.cpp:445)Forums...
Code sections to initially look at could be broken bonds) broken particles)...
Dear all, I'd like to set a fixed temperature condition at the inlet and outlet. I found "run XX every XX " " " should be used to keep the temperature constant during the simulation. However, the CFDEM coupling liggghtsCommands can not recognize the quotation mark. ...
Powder compaction capability in Liggghts Do we have powder compaction and particle breakage capability in Liggghts?