2003年,“WHOO后” 品牌诞生,The history of whoo后品牌中的“后”为皇后之意,这一集宫廷秘方与东方医学为一体,应用韩国LG化妆品研究所的尖端科学技术的品牌,让LG在高端化妆品阵营大放异彩。十多年后,这一顶级品牌为LG生活健康立下了汗马功劳。相较于2016年官宣的突破1万亿韩元的数据,2017年, Whoo后在“萨德...
CI Logo 2020's 2010's 2000's 1990's 1980年以前 历史馆 2023 03忠南唐津热解油工厂、气凝胶工厂开工 04新糖尿复合剂ZemiDapa上市 05获得以色列大型海水淡化项目订单 06“高镍单粒子正极材料”韩国国内首次量产 08生物降解塑料COMPOSTFUL™上市 09成立为欧洲客户提供支持的CS中心 ...
Logo of Lucky Goldstar Group is changed Bando Corp.’s name is changed to Lucky Goldstar International Corp. Feb. Goldstar Semiconductor develops the first 8-bit microprocessor in Korea. 1985 Feb. Goldstar Software Co., Ltd. Is established ...
For the final proclamation of the new ideology, LG conducted one of the largest advertising campaigns in history to promote the new name and new logo of the holding. Soon, few people remembered the old name of the company, but everyone knew the logo and trademark of LG. ...
So we became increasingly aware of the important social history of ... Aboriginal boxers in front of the youth's parents upon his being returned ... 13l,Morphett 1836, pp.6-9). ... revenge massacre for William Knight's death being but one example. ... Bruce Lockwood, Michael Kim, ...