Meghan Halabisky Harnessing the Temporal Dimension to Improve Object-Based Image Analysis Classification of Wetlands Remote Sensing @mhalabisky1 Halabisky 2018 time series, Landsat, wetlands, hydrology, hydroperiod, high resolution, GEOBIA, OBIA 109 November 22, 2021 Dr. Swanni Alvarado Thresholds of...
The Landsat mission which has existed over five decades has remained at the forefront of providing consistent moderate spatial and temporal resolution optical images of the earth. The failure of the scan line corrector (SLC) on board the Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) in May ...
3. Temporal Resolution Theinterval of time between data collectionat a particular location is called a satellite's temporal resolution or “revisit time”. The more frequent a satellite collects data over a given location, the higher its temporal resolution. Satellites with high temporal resolution c...
Assessing multi-temporal Landsat 7 ETM+ images for estimating above-ground biomass in subtropical dry forests of Argentina Above-ground biomass (AGB) is important to estimate total carbon pools in forests, where it has a key role in the global carbon cycle. We assessed correlat... Néstor Igna...
A year over year temporal profile for June for a location in Denver, CO. Click to open in Landsat Explorer. Spectral Profile The thing about multispectral imagery is that it measures the varying amounts of light that different materials reflect, in other words spectral responses. By...
Numerous products are derived from U.S. ARD that are used as direct inputs to monitoring and assessment activities, including maps of land cover and land cover change, spectral indices, temporal composites, and higher-level science products such as burned area, dynamic surface water extent, and...
The method employed Landsat 7 daytime thermal images of high spatial resolution (60 m) and urban land cover information provided by the Corine land cover (CLC) database, which were combined in a GIS framework. In conclusion, the application of the method has been proven successful in terms ...
The temporal span 2000–10 and 2010–20, DG values indicates the negative values −0.243 and −0.413, respectively; this demonstrates the lower DG badness, while zone wise NEE, NNE, and SWW have positive DG values 2.819, 1.411, and 1.486, respectively, demonstrate a high DG goodness. ...
While the 30-m spatial resolution of Landsat makes this data source highly suitable for detecting and delineating common disturbance events on the landscape (Masek et al., 2008, Wulder et al., 2004), the daily global revisit rate of MODIS offers attractive temporal capabilities. Although the ...
The temporal resolution of the GLASS LAI/FAPAR and albedo products were 8-day, and their spatial resolutions are 250-m and 500-m, respectively. The MODIS 500-m 8-day composited LAI/FAPAR product was produced based on biome-specific look-up-tables generated from a 3D radiative transfer model...