VICAL allows the user to configure some VIs coefficient such as inARVI, ATSAVI, EVI, EVI2, OSAVI, SAVI, ATSAVI, andWDRVI, that is, all those VIs that need, in addition to the spectrum bands, some adjustment variable. The name of the bands with their abbreviations that were used in t...
随后,在打开的页面中,下滑到“Scene List”,并在如下图紫色框所示位置处左侧的箭头上单击,打开文件...
Because ASTER Level 1A bands are not coregistered, you cannot directly input ASTER Level 1A VNIR...
test and ratio analysis based on TM remote sensing images before and after Wenchuan earthquake, by using correlative coefficient matrix, covariance and correlation, according to the principles of the best band combination. The conclusion is that based on the combination of TM bands(4, 3, 5)and...
var visParam = { min: -0.5, max: 0.5, palette: ['00FFFF', '0000FF'] };Map.addLayer(img, {bands:["B4", "B3", "B2"], max:0.3}, "raw_img");Map.addLayer(ndwi1, visParam, "ndwi_1"); Map.addLayer(ndwi2, visParam, "ndwi_2"); Map.addLayer(ndwi3, vis...
4. 灰度图像和彩色图像的显示ENVI: FileOpen ImageAvailable Bands List(ABL )中选择 Gray Scale或RGB Color模式 5剖面和波谱图( Profiles and Spectral Plots) lmage:ToolsProfiles。ENVI允许抽取水 5、平的(X)、垂直的(Y)、波谱的(对 X、 Y 和 Z 每个像元为 Z )以及任意的剖面图。剖面图显示在单独的图表...
MODISpath = os.path.join(MODISdir, MODISlist[i]) Landsatimg = gdal.Open(Landsatpath) Landsat_bands = Landsatimg.RasterCount Landsat_scol = Landsatimg.RasterXSize Landsat_srow = Landsatimg.RasterYSize Landsat_img_data = Landsatimg.ReadAsArray() ...
4.灰度图像和彩色图像的显示ENVI:File>>Open Image>>Available Bands List(ABL )中选择Gray Scale或RGB Color模式 5.剖面和波谱图(Profiles and Spectral Plots) Image:>>Tools>>Profiles。ENVI允许抽取水平的(X)、垂直的(Y)、波谱的(对 每个像元为Z)以及任意的剖面图。剖面图显示在单独的图表窗口,并且X、Y和...
由上到下分别是修改ROI区域(即需要计算LST的区域)、基于的卫星(即Landsat 4/5/7/8)、所依据遥感...