波段5(绿)、波段3(蓝)CCT磁带数据制作的1∶10万和1∶5 万假彩色合成卫星影像图。
Most users are advised to instead use the QA_PIXEL band information for cloud discrimination. SR_CLOUD_QA Bit index 1 56 Cloud Quality Assessment QA_PIXEL Bit Index 5440 16382 Landsat Collection 2 QA Bitmask QA_RADSAT Bit Index 0 3829 Radiometric saturation QA Landsat5_C2_SR_T1数据集与TOA...
Collection 2 的新功能是 Landsat 4-5 TM、Landsat 7 ETM+ 和 Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS 的 Level-2 表...
SR_B51654552.75e-05-0.21.55-1.75 μmBand 5 (shortwave infrared 1) surface reflectance SR_B71654552.75e-05-0.22.08-2.35 μmBand 7 (shortwave infrared 2) surface reflectance SR_ATMOS_OPACITY0100000.001A general interpretation of atmospheric opacity generated by LEDAPS and based on the radiance view...
relevant statistical information respectively. It carries out all kinds of band combination test and ratio analysis based on TM remote sensing images before and after Wenchuan earthquake, by using correlative coefficient matrix, covariance and correlation, according to the principles of the best band ...
77 April 5, 2021 Kurnia Latifiana Spatial Habitat Suitability Modeling of the Roti Snake-Necked Turtle (Chelodina Mccordi) Based on Landsat-8 Imagery and GIS 2018 4th International Conference on Science and Technology @latifiana Latifiana 2018 Geographic Information System (GIS), Habitat Suitability...
The best corn models incorporated band 5 and/or band 7 along with band 4. The most significant corn models explained 80 per cent of the variability in wet biomass, 66 to 67 per cent of the variability in dry biomass, plant height, and leaf area index, and 52 per cent of the ...
Modify the equation in each of the icons (circles) in the second row using the values from the spreadsheet for bands 1,2,3,4,5,7 in that order, left to right. Do not modify anything else. Thisexampleequation is also shown in the Excel file. For each band, modify the colored/...
/* Create band information objects. */ /* --- */ for( iBand = 0; iBand < nBandCount; iBand++ ) { ostrFileName.Printf( "L1_METADATA_FILE.%s_FILE_NAME", papszRasterName[iBand] ); pszFilename = CSLFetchNameValue( papszMetaInfo, ostrFileName.c_str() ); if( pszFilename ...