CM1056K48 品牌:日本东丽 种类:PA66 货期: 价格:电询13061808058 在线订购支持 联系上海松翰 021-58958519 13061808058(蒋先生) 13424755533(赵先生) 详细数据 订购指南 PA66/日本东丽/CM1056K48 包装图片
牌号: 1080K品牌: 福建炼化 种类: PP 货期: 价格: 电询 13061808058 在线订购支持 联系上海松翰 021-58958519 13061808058(蒋先生) 13424755533(赵先生) 详细数据 订购指南 产品导购 LLDPE/利安德巴塞尔/GA 501-026 PP/日本普瑞曼/J232WA PA66/普利朗/RA325G6 PBT/沙伯基础(原GE)/420R PETG/...
KRATON® D1111 K SIS,Kraton D1111 K is a clear, linear triblock copolymer based on styrene and isoprene with a polystyrene content of 22%. It is supplied from North America in the physical form identified below. <
我司所销售所有产品均为原厂原包,均可提供相关资料报告(如:物性表,MSDS报告,UL报告,COA报告,SGS报告,FDA等)! 如您需要提前了解原料产品的相关性能或是需要原料产品的相关报告,请您通过电话或是客服QQ与我联系!【物流说明】 自接到贵司订购单24小时内发货,珠三角,长三角,北京,天津均支持代收货款。货物送达后,...
KRATON® D4158 K SBS,Kraton D4158 K is an oiled, radial copolymer based on styrene and butadiene with a polystyrene content of 31%. It is supplied from North America in the physical form below. Kraton D4158 KT
CAB-O-SIL® 2020K Silicon Based Compound,CAB-O-SPERSE® 2020K is an aqueous dispersion of CAB-O-SIL® M-5, a medium surface area, fumed silica. It is electrostatically stabilized with Potassium Hydroxide and has an alkaline pH.CAB-O-SPERSE
品牌:日本旭化成 种类:PEI 货期: 价格:电询13061808058 在线订购支持 联系上海松翰 021-58958519 13061808058(蒋先生) 13424755533(赵先生) 详细数据 订购指南 PEI/日本旭化成/K8861 包装图片
PARALOID™ K-120ND (ER) Slip Agent / Lubricant / Mold Release / Processing Aid,Over 35 years ago, Rohm and Haas introduced the first all-acrylic processing aid, pioneering a technological breakthrough. This addition has made rigid PVC processing possib
InnoPlus LD2026K LDPE,InnoPlus LD2026K is produced by high pressure tubular process, a technology licensed by LyondellBasell. This grade is excellent transparency, mechanical property and processability.