Find the latitude and longitude of San Bernardino International Airport (SBD/KSBD) in San Bernardino, California, United States to calculate the travel distance between airports.
SBD Airport Summary Location and OwnerCoordinates and ElevationLocal TimeTowerRunwaysFuel San Bernardino, CA(2 miles SE) Los Angeles San Bernardino Intl Airport Auth 1601 E 3rd StreetSan Bernardino, Ca 92408 34.095, -117.235 1159.3 feet / 353 meters 星期三23:17 PDT Yes 06/24 10,000 x ...
Norton Air Force Base(Norton Air Force Base)位于北美洲USA - CaliforniaSan Bernardino,经度:,纬度:,IATA Code(三字码)是SBD, ICAO Code(四字码)是KSBD。...。
You know this airport's open every day So where's the fire darlin' what's the hurry Don't you think goodbye can wait Before we take this leaving any farther Let's reach a little deeper inside Maybe we could try a little harder Roll up our sleeves and keep this love alive ...